Carina Stelzer

The #fit4skiamade Challenge

A day of skiing usually requires a lot of strength and a body that is as fit as possible – the better prepared, the more fun you will have on the slopes. In order to optimally prepare your body for the skiing winter, I have prepared a fitness challenge for you: The 5-week squat challenge #fit4skiamade has a positive effect on your entire body, your muscles will grow and especially your legs get prepared for many great days full of skiing. In order not to torment you with typical squats for 5 weeks, I have prepared a different variation of squats for each week. The challenge starts on November 15th in order to be ready for the season in time and just before Christmas. ;)

Here you can find your fitness plan for the next 5 weeks:

1st week: Standard squats

  • Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart, hands crossed in front of your chest, elbows slightly bent.
  • Push your hips back, bend your knees, and then drop into a crouch as if you were leaning back in a chair.
  • For a repetition, pause at the bottom, and then return to the starting position.


  Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Number of squats 20 30 Break 40 50 Break 60


2nd week: Split squats

  • Set your left foot back about two feet length, with your heel raised, as if you were going to make a lunge.
  • Lower your hips and bend your knees until both legs are bent 90 degrees (this looks like a lunge position).
  • For a repetition, push in the heel of the front leg and bring the hips and knees back up to the starting position. Do all of the repetitions on one side before switching legs and doing this squat variation on the other side.


  Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Number of squats 20 (10 per side) 30 (15 per side) Break 40 (20 per side) 50 (25 per side) Break 60 (30 per side)

3rd week: Sumo-squats

  • Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, your toes slightly outward, and your hands on your hips.
  • Push your hips back and crouch, keeping your chest up and your knees turned outward.
  • Return to your starting position for a repetition.


  Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Number of squats 20 30 Break 40 50 Break 60

4th week: Split squats with the back foot raised

  • Stand one or two feet length from the bottom of stairs, facing away from the stairs.
  • Put the toes of your left foot on the stairs behind you. In this position, repeat the split squat movement.
  • Do all the repetitions before switching sides and doing the repetitions with the other leg.

Note: If you do not have stairs in your home replace it with a stool or bench to lift your foot.

  Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Number of squats 20 (10 per side) 30 (15 per side) Break 40 (20 per side) 50 (25 per side) Break 60 (30 per side)

Carina Stelzer

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