© Chris Perkles
© Chris Perkles


Ski amadé Panorama

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Arrensleetocht in Ski amadé

Voor de romantiek

Beleef het sprookjesachtige winterwonderlandschap vanuit de arrenslee. Wat is er nou mooier of romantischer, dan samen op een arrenslee het witte landschap van het SalzburgerLand te ontdekken? In Ski amadé is op veel plekken zo’n prachtige tocht te boeken.

Dat ontspannen geluid van de ijzers die door de sneeuw glijden; het doet iets met je. En het romantische gevoel zal ook na de tocht nog wel even blijven hangen. Het is trouwens een ideale gelegenheid voor een aanzoek! 

Ski amadé biedt genoeg mogelijkheden voor het maken van zo'n heerlijke tocht. Alleen Schladming-Dachstein, de ‘paarden’-gemeente van Steiermark, heeft al 86 paardenspannen.

What could be more romantic than a ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the magical winter wonderland that is St. Johann? Let your fairy-tale dreams come true! Whisking through fresh snow with warm blanket around your knees, you will be transported to another time and place. Cherish this extraordinary experience – a horse-drawn carriage ride through our scenic valleys.

There are two providers of horse-drawn carriage rides in St. Johann, please contact them to book a ride (min. one day before):

Romantic horse-drawn sleigh rides through the snowy winter landscape

Family Esterbauer | Phone +43 664 212 7679

Romantic horse-drawn sleigh rides through the snowy winter landscape

Horse-drawn sleigh with Michael | Phone +43 664 9497988

Eggerbauer – Mr. Johann Fersterer | Phone +43 6584 8247 (in Hinterthal)

Romantic horse-drawn sleigh rides through the snowy winter landscape

Erlebnisbauernhof Elmaugut – Family Höllwart | Phone +43 6467 7290 oder +43 664 2809522 | Discount with Hochkönig Card

Erlebnisbauernhof Kniegut – Family Koblinger | Phone +43 664 144 2164 | Discount with Hochkönig Card

Romantic sleigh ride in winter

Wrapped in warm blankets, the clear, cold winter air on the cheeks, the steaming Gut Weissenhof horses in front of you, in the middle of a snow-covered Salzburg winter landscape seemingly effortless glide through the snow - a sleigh ride with our two German heavy warmblood horses,
Skipper and Penelope, and our coachman Sepp is like a trip into a winter wonderland.

Romantic horse-sleigh ride into Rohrmoos' side valleys, in the deep snow. From the man driving the sleigh you are sure to hear a lot of funny tales from days gone by.

A sleigh ride in the winter landscape of Altenmarkt-Zauchensee is a fairytale experience. Enjoy the ride in nature and feel the fresh air. Over snowy meadows and forest paths it comes with our sleigh through snowy Zauchtal.

Pitzerhof, Familie Stiegler, Weißenbach: Tel. +43 (0)664 / 1103103

Rainhaberhof, Familie Huber, Weißenbach: Tel. +43 (0)3686 / 5500

Reiterhof Aigner, Aich: Tel. +43 (0)3686 / 4567

Klöckhof, Familie Schrempf, Aich: Tel. +43 (0)3686 / 4601

Enjoy the unique alpine world and glide through the picturesque countryside, in a horse-drawn sleigh through the Grossarltal.

Wallnerbauer, Hermann Huber, Tel.: +43 (0) 664 / 73290382, Grossarl

Markus Hettegger, Tel.: +43 (0) 664 / 9196345, Grossarl

Hinteraschaubauer, Family Kreer, Tel.: +43 (0) 6417 / 250, Hüttschlag

Steinmannbauer, Family Huttegger, Tel.: +43 (0) 6417 / 265, Hüttschlag

Martin Taxer, Tel.: +43 (0) 664 / 1324156, Hüttschlag

Enjoy the deep snow covered Gastein Valley on a sleigh, accompanied by the sounds of bells, that quietly jingle to the rhythm of the horses – this being the original winter pleasure in Gastein.

Horse-drawn sleigh rides in Filzmoos

This wonderful experience has a long tradition in the mountain village of Filzmoos

"The horses snort and they're lovingly decorated. They give the impression they enjoy trotting this familiar route. Wrapped up snugly in a thick blanket I can enjoy the winter wonderland passing by. Time seems to stand still for a moment."

Horse-drawn sleigh ride to the Hofalm

Romantic ride on a horse-drawn sleigh

Horse-drawn sleigh ride to the Unterhofalm or Oberhofalm

Approx. 3.5 hours return incl. 1.5 hour refreshment stop.

Book at Telephone E-mail
Fiakerwirt +43 6453 8209 office@fiakerwirt.co.at
Hallmooshof +43 6453 8247 info@hallmooshof.at
Hammerhof +43 6453 8245 info@hammerhof.at
Kirchgasshof +43 6453 8509 kirchgasshof@aon.at
Rettenwender T. +43 664 5231162 Rettenwender@gmx.net
Rettenwender F. +43 6453 8328 sonnwinkl@algo.at
Schoberhof +43 6453 8522 schoberhof@gmx.at
Wallehenhof +43 664 9105392 babsi.rettenwender@gmail.com


Prices for rides to the Hofalm

Per person – return journey € 22,00
Per person – single journey up           € 20,00
Minimum price for 1 to 7 persons € 160,00

Horse-sleigh rides Jägersee

Wechslerhof, Familie Goldner, Tel. +43 6457 2300, Flachau

Scheickgut, Familie Oberreiter, Tel. +43 6457 2263, Reitdorf

Sieglhub, Familie Thurner, Tel. +43 6457 2321, Flachau

1 or 2 PS with one of the 60 horse-drawn sleighs through the winter countryside of Ramsau on 40 kms of constantly groomed tracks, away from the main

Viehhof, Fam. Fritzenwallner Tel. +43 (0) 6418 / 402
Griesbauer, Fam. Gehwolf Tel. +43 (0) 6413 / 8539
Gruppen bis max. 20 Pers.