Anna Pilz

My child wants to learn to ski, but I don't

Does your child want to learn to ski and you are completely new to the sport? Even if you have never skied yourself, you can help your child learn this skill. Find out in the following article how you can help despite your (still existing) inexperience in skiing and perhaps you too will end up taking a liking to strapping "the two boards that mean the world" to your feet.

The equipment

Pay particular attention to the right equipment. Weak boots, skis that are too long or an afternoon when your child is freezing because the clothes don't fit can quickly turn the initial motivation to learn a new sport into frustration and your child will never venture onto the piste again. However, you don't have to buy everything from scratch. Take advantage of the 32 Intersport Rent shops in Ski amadé to hire the equipment you need. There you can get advice from professionals and the perfect fit is guaranteed thanks to precise measurements. If something doesn't fit after all, you can quickly replace the rented equipment if necessary. Not only can you buy skis, ski boots, poles and helmets there, you can also hire the right clothing from Schöffl in the Intersport Rent shops. Then nothing stands in the way of your child's first attempts.

Off to the ski school

Take advantage of the expertise of ski instructors. Book a ski course for your child where the basics of skiing are taught by experienced professionals. This will give your child the necessary confidence. Ski schools are usually located in or very close to the valley stations of the cable cars. You can get advice there as soon as you arrive on your winter holiday. It is also advisable to contact ski schools online or via your accommodation in advance. This way you can book an offer from home and avoid the risk of your child not getting a place on a ski course.

Group lessons or private lessons?

When choosing for the first ski season, you have to decide whether you would prefer a group ski course or private lessons for your child. Both can have advantages and may be influenced by the length of your stay. Group lessons usually last at least five days, are cheaper and offer your child the opportunity to learn together with other kids at a similar level. This not only provides opportunities for comparison, but is certainly also fun off the piste. You will have to dig a little deeper into your wallet for private lessons, but you can book individual lessons and days, which is also ideal for a short holiday. In return, your child has the opportunity to learn at their own pace and with undivided attention. The ski instructor can cater to your child's individual needs.

The choice of holiday destination

You can also plan your winter holiday according to the type and difficulty of the ski area. In many areas in Ski amadé there is the option of visiting a ski school centre in the valley. This means you can accompany your child directly to the ski lessons, watch them for a short time (not too long, it's distracting!) and then pursue your interests and be active on or off the piste.


Although you may not ski yourself, you can support your child on their learning journey and accompany them with positive energy. It's all about enjoying time together, encouraging your child's development and creating wonderful family memories, regardless of your own skiing ability.

Anna Pilz

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