Stay Ski amadé

Ski bus connections

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
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Well connected

Did you know that the ski buses in Ski amadé are free for all guests with a valid ski pass?

Whether you're out skiing, tobogganing or winter hiking, the well-developed ski bus network is the ideal way to explore the region free of charge and in an environmentally friendly way.

NEW: Electric ski buses in the Ski amadé ski areas

... mehr als nur eine Schlepperei!

Ein Skibus bringt unsere Gäste sicher von A nach B. Aktuelle Skibus­fahrpläne sind ab Dezember 2022 an den Kassen der Skilifte sowie im Tourismusbüro Filzmoos erhältlich.

Die Fahrzeiten finden Sie auch an den Haltestellen.

Zum Shuttleberg verkehren die Linienbusse in beiden Tälern als Gratisskibusse.

Zwischen Wagrain – Kleinarl und zwischen Radstadt – Flachauwinkl fahren, bis auf Weiteres, die Linienbusse im Winterfahrplan, mit den Haltestellen an den Talstationen der Bergbahnen.

Die Haltestellen am Shuttleberg sind:

In Kleinarl – am Parklatz der Talstation Champion Shuttle.
In Flachauwinkl – am  Parkplatz der Talstation Sunshine Shuttle.

Hochkönig Skibus
Der Skibus bringt Sie sicher ins Skivergnügen

  • kostenloser Skibus für Wintersportler
  • in allen drei Orten der Region unterwegs
  • bequeme und unkomplizierte Anreise
  • unser Beitrag zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Unser Service schenkt Ihnen wertvolle Zeit in Ihrem Winterurlaub: Nutzen Sie den Skibus der Region Hochkönig und fahren Sie damit innerhalb von Maria Alm, Dienten und Mühlbach ganz bequem von Ihrer Unterkunft zum Einstieg ins Skigebiet und sparen Sie sich dadurch die zeitaufwendige Parkplatzsuche vor Ort. Einfach und kostenlos!

Achtung: Es gibt keine ortsübergreifende Skibusverbindung in der Region Hochkönig.

Die Skibusse zum Skigebiet monte popolo fahren regelmäßig ab Saisonstart bis zum Saisonende – Ausnahmen bei den Fahrzeiten werden auf den PDF's extra vermerkt.

Folgende Ortsteile und Nachbarorte werden angefahren: Flachau, Hüttau, Ortsgebiet Eben inklusive Schattbach und Gasthofsiedlung 

News & updates

Electric ski buses in the ski areas of Ski amadé

The individual regions are increasingly focusing on sustainability, so there are now electric ski buses in some ski areas.

First electric ski bus in Styria

Since December 24, 2021, an electric ski bus has strengthened the Planai bus fleet for the entire winter

The battery-powered ski bus is mainly used on the ski bus line in the valley between the 4-mountain ski area and on the Rohrmooser Plateau, where it brings winter sports enthusiasts directly to the mountain railway stations in an environmentally friendly and comfortable way. The e-bus also impresses with an enormous range of up to 400 kilometers.

“Our future goal is to convert the bus fleet to environmentally friendly vehicles. That's why we're happy to have the opportunity to test the modern electric ski bus throughout the season. As the largest Styrian leisure company, we will take further environmentally friendly measures in the future, so in the near future we will also start testing eFuel snow groomers and buses for the first time," says Planai Managing Director Georg Bliem.

"With a length of 12 meters and a width of 2.55 meters, the bus also offers plenty of space for a total of 83 people. We are already looking forward to the first days of operation with great anticipation," says Boris Milusic, Head of Buses.

© Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen, Julius Macuha

Electric bus test operation in Snow Space Salzburg

For several years, the Snow Space Salzburg Bergbahnen have been working intensively on the topic of how environmentally friendly skiing can take place on the basis of ecological criteria.

One pillar of the sustainability strategy is the reduction of the company's own CO2 footprint. In order to be able to identify meaningful data for further action steps, the mountain railways, together with an independent institute, analyzed the energy consumption using the example of the 2019/20 winter season. The surveys show that the ski bus operation causes a large proportion of CO2 emissions.

In order to enable guests to travel to and from the valley stations of the cable cars as comfortably as possible, Snow Space Salzburg operates over 20 ski bus lines in the towns of Flachau, Wagrain, St. Johann and the surrounding communities. With the use of new drive technologies in the in-house vehicle fleet, one hopes to be able to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Extensive tests are currently being carried out for this purpose with the electric bus models available on the market.

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