
Funslope Hochwurzen

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Schladming - Hochwurzen

Funslope Hochwurzen

A range of facilities with a guarantee of fun

The Funslope Hochwurzen again brings all sorts of fun to Rohrmoos/ Schladming this winter: Over a distance of 575m a varied range of snow park, boardercross and piste facilities await its guests.

The snowboard teacher Julia Walk from the Blue Tomato Snowboardschule reports:

“The Funslope appeals especially to the younger pupils. For this reason we make it a very important part of our lessons. There the kids can have their first experiences, whilst sliding straight ahead over smaller boxes, thus easily acquiring the basic feel for the various elements.

Snowpark Facts

  • Sections

    • 4 banked turns
    • 4 banked waves, speedboost
    • rainbow butterbox, high5, slopy, high5 Sound
    • Smiley wanne, funte tube, up-down butterbox
    • 2 kickers, waves, 2x snow tunnels, helter-skelter
  • Length

    Over a distance of 575 meters a varied range of snow park, boardercross and piste facilities await its guests.

  • Level of Difficulty

    No matter whether a professional or a beginner, everyone will have fun in the Funslope Hochwurzen

  • Location

    The Hochwurzen Funslope is located in the Rohrmooser Weide area and can easily be reached via the Sepp Walcher descent (No. 32) or the East descent (No. 33).

Best of Funslope Hochwurzen

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Freestyle Schools


Die Freestyle Coach Ski- und Snowboardschule befindet sich beim Planai Superpark in Schladming.

Flatland, kleine Sprünge, Picknick Tische … 25m Big Airs, Geländer, grosse Umdrehungen – das alles ist Freestyle. Tauch ein in die Freestylewelt und lass dir von unseren professionellen Lehrern die besten Tricks zeigen. Durch unser bestens geschultes Team bieten wir dir den sichersten & schnellsten Weg um vom Anfänger zum Freestyle-Shredder zu werden.

Für den Privatunterricht, Kurse und Camps haben wir die besten Trainingsmethoden: Freestyle-spezifisches Koordinationstraining, Videoanalyse und vieles mehr. Entscheide dich jetzt und tauch mit uns in die faszinierende freestyle Welt ein. Einfach, schnell und sicher!

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Your rapid learning success from the very first lesson is very important to us. That way you can enjoy winter sports to the full. With our course methods, children and adults can get started in skiing and snowboarding as well as optimise their technique for advanced skiers. Our ski instructors will teach you with empathy and enthusiasm in group or private courses.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Hungarian

Additional features:
5 days of crazy freestyle action with video coaching, lots of fun in the fun park and trampoline training!


Freestyler aufgepasst

egal ob Pistentricks, Kicker oder Rail, angepasst an die Gruppe wird das richtige Gelände (Piste, Park,… ) gewählt.