Lifts & Slopes

Open lifts & slopes in Mühlbach

Current status of all slopes and lifts.

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Hochkönig - Mühlbach

Type Status Name Persons Valley Mountain Opening times
Kabinenbahn Karbachalm 6 929m 1600m 08:15 - 16:15
6er Sesselbahn Fellersbach 6 1333m 1825m 08:15 - 16:15
8er Kabinenbahn Kings Cab 8 1330m 1747m 08:45 - 16:15
Arthurhauslift 1 1500m 1580m 09:00 - 16:00
Roßwieslift 2 1440m 1770m 09:00 - 16:00
Mahdlift 1 1500m 1560m 09:00 - 16:00
Saukarlift 2 1340m 1730m 09:00 - 16:00
Grießfeldlift 2 1380m 1480m 09:00 - 16:00
Type Status # Name artificially snowed Length Height difference Gradient
1 Karbachalmabfahrt 1700m 235m 17%

EUB Karbachalm to Kings Cab valley station

Scheppal Alm – Kings Cab | Mühlbach – Hochkönig 5810m 700m
1 Ostabfahrt 2500m 720m 35%

Above the mountain station of the Karbachalm cable car to the valley station of the cable car

1 Schneebergabfahrt 1500m 260m 13%

6-person Fellersbach mountain station to the Karbachalm restaurant

2 Schneebergabfahrt 500m 210m 31%

Above the Hüttenlift to the junction of slope 1

3 Fellersbachabfahrt 2200m 490m 34%

6-person Fellersbach from mountain station to valley station

1a Familienabfahrt 3500m 410m 14%

From the Kings Cab valley station to the EUB Karbachalm valley station

4 Kings Corner 2300m 420m 17%
3 Saukarabfahrt 1600m 388m 34%
Kids park Karbachalm

Children's area Karbachalm of the Mühlbach ski school with conveyor belt and rope lift.

Aufstiegsspur Scheppal Alm - Kings Cab / unterer Bereich 6000m 750m
Kings Park Hochkönig 1800m 110m 18%
Mediumkicker, Easy Kicker, Flat, Kinked, A-Frame Box, Handrail, Elephant-Rail, Kinked-Box, Softbow-Box, Butterflat
Skiroute Schneeberg 1100m
Aufstiegsspur Scheppal Alm - Kings Cab / oberer Bereich 6000m 750m
Aufstiegsspur Dienter Sattel - Kings Cab 2800m 400m
1 Hochkeilpiste 1400m 265m 29%
2 Rosswiesabfahrt 1500m 265m 29%
2 Roßwies Alternative
Verbindungspiste Saukar-Roßwies
Übungslifte Skischule Mühlbach
Verbindungspiste Roßwieslift - Saukarabfahrt
Langlaufloipe Arthurhaus
Knappensteig 6500m 1150m 21%

Prepared tour descent from Hochkeil to Bischofshofen (Frauenkirche)

Salewa Freeride Route
Goodboards Freeride Route
Skiweg Ortszentrum Mühlbach
Kids park Hochkeil

Children's area Hochkeil of the Mühlbach ski school

Abfahrt Arthurhaus & Übungswiese Mahdlift 300m 66m 21%
Griesfeld 500m 100m

Beginner slope

Toboggan run Reith 900m
Grießfeld Alternative
Überfahrt Talstation Roßwieslift
Abfahrt Arthurhaus & Übungswiese Mahdlift 300m 66m 21%
Toboggan run Kopphütte 4000m
    easy moderate difficult Ski route
    open closed in preparation