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스키 아마데의 날씨

오랫동안 기다려온 휴가가 이제 코앞으로 다가왔습니다. 그리고 이런 질문이 떠오르죠?: ‘날씨는 어떨까?’ 단순히 클릭 한 번만으로 스키 아마데의 현재 날씨와 기상 예보에 대한 모든 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다. 기상 예보가 당신이 바랐던 날씨가 아니라면, 혹시 모르니 옷 가지만 몇 개 더 챙겨서 출발해도 좋습니다. 이런 말이 있죠! : 나쁜 날씨 따윈 없다, 적당한 옷이 없을 뿐이다! 

아, 잠시만요! : 산의 날씨가 어떤지 알고 싶으신가요? 스키 아마데의 다수의 웹캠이 현재의 눈 상태와 다가올 휴가 기간의 기상 조건을 알려 드립니다. 

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.


On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.

Hauser Kaibling

On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.


On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.


On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.


On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.

Ski Galsterberg

On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.

Ramsau am Dachstein

On Saturday, the banks of precipitation of a warm front will approach. Fortunately, the wind on the mountains will swing to the south and turn into a foehn wind. The foehn will dissipate the clouds at the lower levels; all that will remain of the warm front are harmless, high clouds. The sun will break through these clouds at times allowing decent weather today.