
Landal Resort Maria Alm

- Ski amadé Familienspezialisten
- Ski amadé Internetpräsenz
Health and security measures
- Aufsteller mit gut sichtbaren Covid19 Regeln vor dem Eingang
- Bodenmarkierungen für Abstand in kritischen Zonen
- Mund-Nasen-Schutz für Gäste verfügbar
- Personal befolgt alle Sicherheitsrichtlinien der örtlichen Behörden
- Handdesinfektionsmittel in Unterkunft und Gemeinschaftsbereichen
- Erste-Hilfe-Kasten verfügbar
- Zimmer werden nach jeder Gast-Abreise sorgfältigst gereinigt, insbesonders oft berührte Gegenstände
- Regelmäßige Lüftung allgemein zugänglicher Bereiche
- Gäste können wünschen, dass deren Zimmer während des Aufenthalts nicht gereinigt wird
- Bettwäsche, Handtücher und Wäsche werden nach Richtlinien der örtlichen Behörden gewaschen
- Checkliste wie Zimmer zu reinigen sind - während des Aufenthalts und nach Abreise
- Unterkunft wird von professionellen Reinigungsfirmen gereinigt
- Die Zimmerreinigung inkludiert Lüften, den Wechsel der Reinigungstücher und die Desinfektion der Handschuhe nach jedem Zimmer
- Desinfektion oft berührter Gegenstände und Oberflächen
- Desinfektion von Leihgeräten
- Regelmäßige Covid19 Tests für Angestellte, die direkten Gast-Kontakt haben
- Angestellte tragen Mund-Nasen-Schutz
- Information der Beschäftigten zu Präventions- und Hygienemaßnahmen, richtigem Verhalten bei COVID-19-Symptomen bzw. Infektion
- Sensibilisierung der Beschäftigten auf Einhaltung der Mindestabstandsregeln
- Abtrennungen oder physische Barrieren zwischen Personal und Gästen in entsprechenden Bereichen
- Bargeldlose Zahlung möglich
- Abstandsregeln werden eingehalten
- Kontaktloser CheckIn/CheckOut
- Aufbewahrung der Dienstpläne für vier Wochen
Sport / Freizeit
- Adventure-Aktivitäten
- Aktivitäten am Berg
- Animation / Gästebetreuung / Hausprogramm
- Eislaufplatz
- Fackelwanderung
- Fitnessraum
- Hallenbad mit Kinderbecken
- Hallenbad mit Süßwasser
- Indoorspiele
- Nordic walking
- Pferdeschlittenfahrten
- Schneeschuhwanderung
- Skilehrer / Tourguide
- Tischfußball
- Wanderungen/geführte Wanderungen
Mensch & Kultur
- Einsatz regionaler Firmen, Handwerker, Zulieferer ausschließlich
- Flexible Beschäftigungsmodelle zur Fachkräfte- und Stammpersonal-Bindung
- Ganzjährige Beschäftigung der Mitarbeiter:innen
- Zahlung fairer Löhne und Grundgehälter über Mindestlohn
Einrichtungen Betrieb
- Bar
- Eigenes Restaurant
- Elektroauto Ladestation
- Empfangshalle
- Familienfreundlich
- Garage
- Haustiere willkommen
- Kiosk
- Moderne Architektur
- Neubau
- Nichtraucherhaus
- PKW-Parkplatz
- Parkanlage
- Ski-Service-Raum
- Skiabstellraum
- Sonnenterrasse
- Spielraum
- Terrasse
- Terrassen- / Gartenrestaurant
- Tiefgarage
- Unterstellplatz für Auto
- Veranstaltungsraum
- WC für Behinderte
- Waschmaschinenbenutzung mögl.
- WiFi
- Zentrale Reception
- Einrichtungen für Kinder
- Gitterbett / Babybett
- Kinder-Swimmingpool
- Kinderausstattung
- Kinderbetreuung auf Anfrage
- Kinderbett
- Kinderfreundlich
- Kinderhochstuhl
- Kinderprogramm
- Kinderspielecke
- Kinderspielplatz
- Kinderspielzimmer
- Miniclub
- Hallenbad
- Körperbehandlung
- Massage
- Schönheitsbehandlung
Lebensmittel & Getränke
- Angebot von zertifizierter Bio-Qualität
- Auswahl an vegetarischen und veganen Speisen und Getränken
- Einsatz von Lebensmitteln nach Saison und von lokalen Anbietern
- Einsatz von hausgemachten, selbst produzierten Lebens- und Genussmitteln, Getränken
- Fleisch- und Wurstwaren von Tieren aus zertifizierter artgerechter Haltung
- Getränke von regionalen Erzeugern
- Vermeidung, Weiterverarbeitung oder Spende übriggebliebener Lebensmittel
- Verwendung fair gehandelter Importprodukte (z.B. Kaffee, Schokolade, Obst)
- Wahlmöglichkeit von Portionsgrößen
- Frühstück zubuchbar
- Halbpension auf Anfrage
- Kinderkarte
- Restaurant à la carte
- Traditionelle Küche
- Vegane Ernährung
- Vegetarische Küche
- Alle Fenster sind doppelt verglast
- Einsatz der Wasser-Abwärme zu Heiz- oder weiteren Zwecken
- Energieeffiziente Bauweise / nachhaltige Bau- & Verbrauchsmaterialien
- Mindestens 80 % der Beleuchtung wird durch energieeffiziente LED-Lampen erzeugt
- Strom zu 100 % aus erneuerbaren Energien
Tagung / Kongress
- Nichtraucher-Tagungsraum
- Tagungs-/Seminarräume für max. Pers.: 10
- WiFi
- Direkt an d. Ski-/ Wander-/ Bushaltestelle
- Direkt an der Skipiste
- Pistenrand
- Zentrale Lage
- Alpinausrüstung
- Bettwäsche-Verleih
- E-Bike Verleih
- Fahrradverleih
- Langlaufski-Verleih
- Schneeschuhe
- Skiverleih
- Snowboard-Verleih
- Wander- / Trekkingausrüstung
- Wanderstöcke
- Ausschließliche Verwendung von wassersparenden Armaturen (z.B. intelligente Duschen, Duschköpfe mit geringem Durchfluss)
- Ausschließliche Verwendung von wassersparenden Toiletten (z.B. Toiletten mit geringem Verbrauch, Toiletten mit „Doppelspülung”)
- Gäste können Handtücher mehrmals verwenden
- Wasserkühler/Wasserspender
- Fahrradparkplätze
- Fahrradverleih
- Firmenflotte mit Elektromobilität
- Lademöglichkeiten für Elektrofahrzeuge
- Möglichkeit der Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
- Shuttleservices von/ zum nächsten Bahnhof
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Französisch
- Niederländisch
- Spanisch
Abfallvermeidung & Mülltrennung
- Keine Plastikgebinde für Shampoo, Duschgel, angebotene Toilette-Artikel
- Mülltrennung / Recyclingtonnen
- Vermeidung von Einwegverpackungen
Kurse / Unterricht
- Skikurs
- Gäste können sich gegen die tägliche Reinigung der Wohneinheit entscheiden
Please note that you need a booking confirmation from Landal GreenParks to confirm your reservation request, which you will receive by email. The conditions mentioned there apply. Please follow the payment requests mentioned in this confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation within 2 days of booking, please contact Landal customer service: touroperators@landal.nl
The general terms and conditions of Landal GreenParks apply: www.landal.de/ueber-landal/bedingungen
Contact & Directions
Landal Resort Maria Alm
5761 Maria Alm AT
Trust-You rating
Landal Ski LifePhotos
Rooms/Apartments & Prices
Room details
Luxurious apartment building with approximately 54 m² living space for 2-4 persons. Special features are for example the infrared sauna (2 persons) in the bathroom and the underfloor heating. The property can be reached by stairs or by lift. In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On request, a baby cot and a highchair can be provided. The beds are made upon arrival. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening by the crackling stove in the living room.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in modern Alpine design in the accommodations of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm.Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Haarföhn, Geschirr vorhanden, Wasserkocher, Haustiere mit Rücksprache gestattet, Wohnküche, Bettwäsche vorhanden, WiFi, Kühlschrank, Neuwertiges Zimmer/App., Balkon, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Waschmaschine, Trockner, Luxus-Möblierung, Safe, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Mikrowelle, Sauna, Waschmaschinenbenutzung, Küche, Backofen, Fernseher, Schrankbett, Elektroherd
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Bad, Separates WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment building with approximately 54 m² living space for 2-4 persons. Special features are for example the infrared sauna (2 persons) in the bathroom and the underfloor heating. The property can be reached by stairs or by lift. In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On request, a baby cot and a highchair can be provided. The beds are made upon arrival. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening by the crackling stove in the living room.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in modern Alpine design in the accommodations of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm.Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Haarföhn, Geschirr vorhanden, Wasserkocher, Haustiere mit Rücksprache gestattet, Wohnküche, Bettwäsche vorhanden, WiFi, Kühlschrank, Neuwertiges Zimmer/App., Balkon, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Waschmaschine, Trockner, Luxus-Möblierung, Safe, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Mikrowelle, Sauna, Waschmaschinenbenutzung, Küche, Backofen, Fernseher, Schrankbett, Elektroherd
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Bad, Separates WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment building with approximately 54 m² living space for 2-4 persons. Special features are for example the infrared sauna (2 persons) in the bathroom and the underfloor heating. The property can be reached by stairs or by lift. In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On request, a baby cot and a highchair can be provided. The beds are made upon arrival. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening by the crackling stove in the living room.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in modern Alpine design in the accommodations of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm.Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Haarföhn, Geschirr vorhanden, Wasserkocher, Haustiere mit Rücksprache gestattet, Wohnküche, Bettwäsche vorhanden, WiFi, Kühlschrank, Neuwertiges Zimmer/App., Balkon, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Waschmaschine, Trockner, Luxus-Möblierung, Safe, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Mikrowelle, Sauna, Waschmaschinenbenutzung, Küche, Backofen, Fernseher, Schrankbett, Elektroherd
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Bad, Separates WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Apartment building with about 54 m² living space for 2-4 persons. The accommodation can be reached by stairs or lift. The modern apartment building is located on one floor with a bedroom with a double bed, a 2-person fold away bed in the living room, and a private balcony. In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On request, a baby cot and a highchair can be provided. The beds are made up on arrival. The underfloor heating makes the accommodation even more comfortable.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kombi-Mikrowelle, Gartenmöbel, Wasserkocher, Geschirrspülmaschine, Schrankbett, Abstellraum, Wohnzimmer, Fernseher, Separate Schlafzimmer: 1, Haarföhn, Waschmaschine, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Küche, Bettwäsche vorhanden
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Separates WC, Dusche
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The barrier-free apartment with about 93 m² of living space can accommodate 5 people. Three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living/dining room are available. Special in this apartment building are the barrier-free facilities: adapted bathroom with shower cubicle, shower seat, turning circle of 150 cm, washbasin and toilet; the terrace is wheelchair-accessible and the door width is at least 90 cm. There are up to two pets allowed in this apartment. The underfloor heating makes the accommodation even more comfortable.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design!Betten Verteilung
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Dusche, WC
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Wasserkocher, Kühlschrank, Wohnzimmer, Haarföhn, Geschirrspülmaschine, Terrasse, Trockner, Rollstuhlgerechtes Zimmer/App., Fernseher, Gefrierfach, Abstellraum, Küche, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Waschmaschine, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Kaffee-Maschine, Gartenmöbel, Separate Schlafzimmer: 0
Lage/Blick Zimmer/Appartement
Erdgeschoß / Parterre
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kühlschrank, Waschmaschine, Balkon, Esszimmer, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Separater Wohnraum, Gefriermöglichkeit, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Safe, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Haarföhn, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Küche, Luxus-Möblierung, Gefrierfach, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wohnzimmer, Offener Kamin, Wasserkocher, Kaffee-Maschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kühlschrank, Waschmaschine, Balkon, Esszimmer, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Separater Wohnraum, Gefriermöglichkeit, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Safe, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Haarföhn, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Küche, Luxus-Möblierung, Gefrierfach, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wohnzimmer, Offener Kamin, Wasserkocher, Kaffee-Maschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kühlschrank, Waschmaschine, Balkon, Esszimmer, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Separater Wohnraum, Gefriermöglichkeit, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Safe, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Haarföhn, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Küche, Luxus-Möblierung, Gefrierfach, Abstellraum, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wohnzimmer, Offener Kamin, Wasserkocher, Kaffee-Maschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kombi-Mikrowelle, Kaffee-Maschine, Wohnzimmer, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Abstellraum, Gartenmöbel, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Luxus-Möblierung, Trockner, Gefriermöglichkeit, Wasserkocher, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Waschmaschine, Esszimmer, Küche, Haarföhn, Separater Wohnraum, Offener Kamin, Gefrierfach, Safe, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Bad, Dusche, Badewanne, WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kombi-Mikrowelle, Kaffee-Maschine, Wohnzimmer, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Abstellraum, Gartenmöbel, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Luxus-Möblierung, Trockner, Gefriermöglichkeit, Wasserkocher, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Waschmaschine, Esszimmer, Küche, Haarföhn, Separater Wohnraum, Offener Kamin, Gefrierfach, Safe, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Bad, Dusche, Badewanne, WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
Luxurious apartment with about 80 m² living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed and one with two single beds. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In addition, there are 2 bathrooms one with an infrared sauna (2-person) and one has a bathing tub. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kombi-Mikrowelle, Kaffee-Maschine, Wohnzimmer, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Abstellraum, Gartenmöbel, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Luxus-Möblierung, Trockner, Gefriermöglichkeit, Wasserkocher, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Waschmaschine, Esszimmer, Küche, Haarföhn, Separater Wohnraum, Offener Kamin, Gefrierfach, Safe, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Bad, Dusche, Badewanne, WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The apartment with about 75 m² of living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed, one with two single beds and a living room with 2-person fold away bed. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Dusche, Bad, WC
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kaffee-Maschine, Trockner, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Waschmaschine, Gartenmöbel, Wohnzimmer, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Kühlschrank, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wasserkocher, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 2
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The apartment with about 75 m² of living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed, one with two single beds and a living room with 2-person fold away bed. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Dusche, Bad, WC
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kaffee-Maschine, Trockner, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Waschmaschine, Gartenmöbel, Wohnzimmer, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Kühlschrank, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wasserkocher, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 2
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The apartment with about 75 m² of living space can accommodate 4-6 persons. There is a bedroom with double bed, one with two single beds and a living room with 2-person fold away bed. The apartment can be on the ground, first, second or third floor (preference reservation). In some accommodations, pets are allowed. On arrival, your beds are already made up and on request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. The apartments have either a private balcony or on the ground floor a terrace. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Dusche, Bad, WC
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kaffee-Maschine, Trockner, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Waschmaschine, Gartenmöbel, Wohnzimmer, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Kühlschrank, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wasserkocher, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 2
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The modern equipped apartment with a living space of approximately 92 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Abstellraum, Wasserkocher, Trockner, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Küchenzeile, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Gartenmöbel, Kühlschrank, Gefrierfach, Geschirrspülmaschine, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Waschmaschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, Separates WC, WC
Room details
The modern equipped apartment with a living space of approximately 92 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Abstellraum, Wasserkocher, Trockner, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Küchenzeile, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Gartenmöbel, Kühlschrank, Gefrierfach, Geschirrspülmaschine, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Waschmaschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, Separates WC, WC
Room details
The modern equipped apartment with a living space of approximately 92 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Abstellraum, Wasserkocher, Trockner, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Küchenzeile, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Gartenmöbel, Kühlschrank, Gefrierfach, Geschirrspülmaschine, Fernseher, Haarföhn, Waschmaschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, Separates WC, WC
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Wohnzimmer, Balkon, Offener Kamin, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Abstellraum, Kühlschrank, Holzofen, Waschmaschine, Küche, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wasserkocher, Luxus-Möblierung, Fernseher, Gefriermöglichkeit, Gefrierfach, Kaffee-Maschine, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Trockner, Sauna, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg.
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Separates WC, Dusche, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Wohnzimmer, Balkon, Offener Kamin, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Abstellraum, Kühlschrank, Holzofen, Waschmaschine, Küche, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wasserkocher, Luxus-Möblierung, Fernseher, Gefriermöglichkeit, Gefrierfach, Kaffee-Maschine, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Trockner, Sauna, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg.
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Separates WC, Dusche, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Wohnzimmer, Balkon, Offener Kamin, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Abstellraum, Kühlschrank, Holzofen, Waschmaschine, Küche, Geschirrspülmaschine, Wasserkocher, Luxus-Möblierung, Fernseher, Gefriermöglichkeit, Gefrierfach, Kaffee-Maschine, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Trockner, Sauna, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg.
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Badewanne, Separates WC, Dusche, WC, Bad
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Gefrierfach, Offener Kamin, Waschmaschine, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Safe, Abstellraum, Haarföhn, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wohnzimmer, Kühlschrank, Gefriermöglichkeit, Esszimmer, Wasserkocher, Separater Wohnraum, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Küche, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Luxus-Möblierung
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, WC, Bad, Badewanne
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Gefrierfach, Offener Kamin, Waschmaschine, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Safe, Abstellraum, Haarföhn, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wohnzimmer, Kühlschrank, Gefriermöglichkeit, Esszimmer, Wasserkocher, Separater Wohnraum, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Küche, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Luxus-Möblierung
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, WC, Bad, Badewanne
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartment with a living space of about 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each. In the living room is a 2-person fold away bed available. The beds are already made up at your arrival. There is a bathroom with shower and one with bath and an infrared sauna (2 persons). Also another separate toilet can be found in the apartment. Especially in the cold season, you can enjoy the evening comfortably by the crackling stove in the living room. The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in your in the modern Alpine design furnished accommodation of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Gefrierfach, Offener Kamin, Waschmaschine, Geschirrspülmaschine, Balkon, Nichtraucher Zimmer/App./Whg., Safe, Abstellraum, Haarföhn, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Wohnzimmer, Kühlschrank, Gefriermöglichkeit, Esszimmer, Wasserkocher, Separater Wohnraum, Infrarotkabine im Zimmer/App., Küche, Trockner, Gartenmöbel, Kaffee-Maschine, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Luxus-Möblierung
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, WC, Bad, Badewanne
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartments have a living space of approx. 145 m² and can accommodate up to 10 persons. There are 4 separate bedrooms, one room with a double bed, the other three with two single beds each. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet and a separate toilet are available. In the infrared sauna (2 persons) you can relax and in winter the underfloor heating provides even more cosiness in your accommodation.
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartments have a living space of approx. 145 m² and can accommodate up to 10 persons. There are 4 separate bedrooms, one room with a double bed, the other three with two single beds each. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet and a separate toilet are available. In the infrared sauna (2 persons) you can relax and in winter the underfloor heating provides even more cosiness in your accommodation.
Room details
The luxuriously furnished apartments have a living space of approx. 145 m² and can accommodate up to 10 persons. There are 4 separate bedrooms, one room with a double bed, the other three with two single beds each. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet and a separate toilet are available. In the infrared sauna (2 persons) you can relax and in winter the underfloor heating provides even more cosiness in your accommodation.
Room details
The apartment with balcony is about 130 m² in size and can accommodate 8-10 persons. There are four separate bedrooms, two with a double bed and the other two with two single beds each (+ 2-person fold away bed in the living room). The beds are already made at your arrival. There are three bathrooms, two with a bath and toilet, one with a shower and toilet and a separate toilet. In the open kitchen you can find, inter alia, a combi microwave, a fridge freezer and an induction cooker. Especially in the cold season, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the accommodations of the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Kühlschrank, Geschirrspülmaschine, Abstellraum, Balkon, Wohnzimmer, Separate Schlafzimmer: 4, Waschmaschine, Küche, Haarföhn, Fernseher, Gartenmöbel, Schrankbett, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Gefrierfach, Trockner, Kaffee-Maschine, Bettwäsche vorhanden
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Bad, Dusche, WC, WC, Separates WC, Badewanne
from €1,979.00
Size 145 m² Occupancy 1 - 12 adults , 0 - 11 children Rooms 10 Bedrooms 5 Room details
The modern furnished 10-12-person apartment with a living space of approximately 145 m² is located on the third floor and has a balcony. There are five separate bedrooms, two with a double bed and the other three with two single beds (+ 2-person fold away bed in the living room), which are already made when you arrive. There are four bathrooms: two with a bath and a toilet, one with a shower and a toilet, and another one with a shower. In the open kitchen you can find, inter alia, a combi microwave, a fridge freezer and an induction cooker.
The underfloor heating ensures even more well-being in the modern Alpine design accommodation in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Balkon, Gefrierfach, Geschirrspülmaschine, Schrankbett, Trockner, Wohnzimmer, Moderne Möblierung, Küche, Abstellraum, Gartenmöbel, Wasserkocher, Bettwäsche vorhanden, Separate Schlafzimmer: 5, Kühlschrank, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Kaffee-Maschine, Haarföhn, Fernseher, Waschmaschine
Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Badewanne, Dusche, WC
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxurious apartment with a living space of approximately 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In addition, you can relax in the infrared sauna (2-persons) and in winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Separates WC, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Trockner, Waschmaschine, Wasserkocher, Kühlschrank, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Luxus-Möblierung, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Fernseher, Sauna
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxurious apartment with a living space of approximately 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In addition, you can relax in the infrared sauna (2-persons) and in winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Separates WC, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Trockner, Waschmaschine, Wasserkocher, Kühlschrank, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Luxus-Möblierung, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Fernseher, Sauna
Betten Verteilung
Room details
The luxurious apartment with a living space of approximately 100 m² can accommodate 6-8 persons. There are three separate bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other two, each with two single beds. There is also a 2-person fold away bed in the living room. On request, a cot or a highchair can be provided. At your arrival, the beds are already made up. A bathroom with shower and one with bath and toilet as well as a separate toilet are available. In addition, you can relax in the infrared sauna (2-persons) and in winter, the underfloor heating ensures even more coziness in your apartment.
In some accommodations, pets are allowed.
Enjoy comfortable well-being in a modern Alpine design in the holiday park Landal Resort Maria Alm!Sanitäre Ausstattung
Dusche, Separates WC, Badewanne, WC, Bad
Ausstattung Zimmer/Appartement
Trockner, Waschmaschine, Wasserkocher, Kühlschrank, Separate Schlafzimmer: 3, Balkon, Kaffee-Maschine, Abstellraum, Gefrierfach, Luxus-Möblierung, Kombi-Mikrowelle, Haarföhn, Geschirrspülmaschine, Küche, Fernseher, Sauna
Betten Verteilung
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