- Ski amadé Internetpräsenz
Free parking for up to 4 cars.
Free WiFi and internet connection throughout the house.
Contact & Directions
Chalet Wallner
5630 Bad Hofgastein AT
Trust-You rating
Apartments & Prices
Room details
Chalet Wallner is situated in an excellent location, where there are cosy restaurants, a park and a tennis court, and it is only 100 m to the main ski lift. You can also visit the spa and the Alpen Therme waterpark only 350 meters away.
Chalet Wallner is a large house with room for 18 people in 7 bedrooms. The heart of the house is on the top floor, with the cosy kitchen and adjoining dining room that has room for everyone. There are 6 bathrooms with toilet and 3 separate toilets. There is a big ski room that belongs to the Chalet.Vybavení pokojů
zahradní nábytek, balkón (někde), nekuřácký pokoj, TV, obývací pokoj, elektrický krb, topení, možnost vaření, možnost mražení potravin, kuchyňské nádobí, mikrovlnná trouba, jídelna, skříň, WiFi, dřez na mytí nádobí, myčka nádobí, balkonový nábytek, kávovar, předsíň, nádobí k dispozici, varná konvice, kuchyň, kuchyňský kout, mrazicí box
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